Which connection string do I use to connect to an AYS database?

The connection string used to connect to an AYS database from a third-party tool depends on the type of AYS database and the security used to connect to the database.

All Microsoft Access AYS databases use the following connection string:

PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; DATA SOURCE=DatabaseFilename; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=Password; Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode=1

The Password parameter is the standard Microsoft Access AYS database password.

If you are using Windows security then use the following connection string:

DRIVER=SQL Server; DATABASE=SQLDatabaseName; APP=Microsoft Open Database Connectivity; SERVER=SQLServerName; Trusted_Connection=Yes

If you are using SQL server security then use the following connection string:

DRIVER=SQL Server; DATABASE=SQLDatabaseName; APP=Microsoft Open Database Connectivity; SERVER=SQLServerName; User ID=SQLServerUserID; Password=SQLServerUserPassword

If you are using a configured ODBC data source name (DSN) then use the following connection string:


If you are using MySQL security then use the following connection string:

DRIVER={MySQL ODBC MySQLDriverVersion Driver}; DATABASE=SQLDatabaseName; SERVER=SQLServerName; USER=SQLServerUserID ; Password=SQLServerUserPassword; OPTION=3

If you are using a configured ODBC data source name (DSN) with a MYSQL driver version earlier than 5.0 then use the following connection string:


If you are using a configured ODBC data source name (DSN) with a MySQL driver version 5.0 or later then use the following connection string: