Is AYS supported on Windows 11?
Yes. At Your Service software is supported on Microsoft Windows 11 (32-bit and 64-bit) for all licensed users of version 2022 or higher.
Yes. At Your Service software is supported on Microsoft Windows 11 (32-bit and 64-bit) for all licensed users of version 2022 or higher.
At Your Service – Repair Center is supported on newer 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows including:
If you have received your license file via email from At Your Service, you can apply the license to your installed trial version of AYS to unlock all of the features covered by that license. The process may be slightly different based on the version of AYS you have installed.
If At Your Service software is installed on a local workstation, then the currency symbol displayed and printed will be the same symbol configured in the Windows regional settings on that local workstation.
If At Your Service software is installed on a server that is being accessed remotely (e.g. via remote desktop or Citrix server), then the currency symbol displayed and printed will be the same symbol configured in the Windows regional settings on the server.