SQL server database
Moving AYS From One Server to Another
When you change or upgrade hardware you may wish to relocate the AYS application or data to another server. Depending on your edition and setup, you can follow one of the following procedures.
How to Configure Microsoft SQL Server for AYS
Certain SQL Server permissions are necessary for AYS users to access the data and run reports. This article will assist you in configuring the security on recent versions of Microsoft SQL Server.
Which Microsoft SQL Server versions are supported?
At Your Service – Repair Center works with the following Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server Express versions:
How do I send a Microsoft SQL server database to AYS?
A Microsoft SQL server database backup (.BAK) file must be created using SQL Server Management Studio, and then that backup file can be sent to AYS.
MySQL Client Setup
The following is how to connect from a desktop to an existing MySQL server on your network.