The following is how to connect from a desktop to an existing MySQL server on your network.
The first step is to install a supported 32-bit ODBC connector.
As of version 3.5 of AYS, including the DSN Data Source method as described below, you can now use SQL authentication to connect to MySQL database servers. For SQL authentication, the below configuration is not required.
You must use the 32-bit ODBC administrator to create a new DSN that will connect to MySQL. The simplest way to do so is to create a new MySQL database.
When the dialog box comes up, select “Create/Edit 32-Bit DSNs from the drop down list.
On the ODBC dialog, select “System DSN” to make the DSN available to all users on the machine.
Click “Add”. You will be prompted to select a MySQL driver. Choose the recommended version.
Enter all of your local information into the DSN dialog box. It is important to select the database name from the list. If you do not do so, then AYS will still function but Crystal Reports will not run correctly.
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