Want to keep track of what parts are on order for a repair, or what repairs are waiting for a particular part?
AYS Repair Center keeps track of Repair Orders that are awaiting parts that are on order, as well as Purchase Orders that are needed for Repair Order completion.
When you add a part to a Repair Order using the ‘Pick To’ button, the parts detail is added to the repair. If the part inventory reaches your preset threshold (or zero) you will see a low inventory warning. A Purchase Order can then be generated automatically with the parts detail included, or the part can be ordered manually from the Inventory Module. Within the Purchase Order there is a reference field available for each part on order. Insert the outstanding Repair Order number in the reference field to create a cross-reference.
For each Repair Order that has an outstanding part on order, the Purchase Order information is added to the ‘parts on order’ field.
For each Purchase Order that is required to complete a repair, the Repair Order number is stored in the parts detail line.
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