At Your Service Repair Center can work together with your other enterprise systems, you can generate reports, import and export data, and directly integrate to the database.
AYS Repair Center provides a complete self-contained repair management system for the small to medium sized business.
However, you may have a larger operation, or an operation where there are non-repair activities. AYS Repair Center can also interoperate with existing systems to give you the tools you need to completely manage your business at the level you require.
- AYS includes a wide range of reports to view or print data within the database. These reports can also be emailed directly from within AYS, or exported to a file such as .csv or Excel.
- The data can be exported in other formats (such as .csv, XML, or Excel) that can be used for import into other systems.
- Data can be imported from .csv files.
- Both imports and exports can be triggered manually at any time, automatically when regularly scheduled, or based on changes in status of any repair in the system.
- Direct access to the .ays or SQL database from other systems is possible. We can provide the information required for other systems to build utilities that will access the AYS data directly.