At Your Service – Repair Center is a traditional desktop application, but you can run it remotely on certain cloud services.
If you are not interested in hosting your own server, or you would like to use lower-cost client hardware, then you can run AYS and a SQL database on cloud-hosted virtual servers. Your users can then connect and use AYS using Windows remote desktop client software.
We have only officially tested and support AYS on AWS Lightsail.
Other Windows-based virtual private servers (e.g. Amazon EC2, Azure, Google, etc.) may work, but At Your Service Software does not investigate or recommend any in particular.
See also
How do I install AYS on Amazon AWS Lightsail
Is AYS compatible with Windows Remote Desktop Services (RDS)?
How do I install AYS on Remote Desktop Services?
Is AYS compatible with Windows Terminal Services?
How do I install AYS on Windows Terminal Services?
Is AYS compatible with Citrix XenApp remote client software?
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