The following new features and bug fixes were released in At Your Service version 2022. See also new features added in At Your Service version 2023.
Version 22.12.000 (2022 December Release)
- Resolved 32-bit QuickBooks versions not being detected
- Resolved some older QuickBooks versions not being detected
- Resolved error running Repair Invoices Listing report
- Resolved error setting focus to the customer number field when it is not enabled
- Resolved spurious custom reports appearing in the repair orders browse Reports menu
- Added support for QuickBooks 2023
- Added ability to importing data from text files with individual rows longer than 65535 characters
- Taxes are now recalculated on a repair order when a province is added to a customer account after the repair order was created
- Taxes are now recalculated on a sales invoice when a province is added to a customer account after the sales invoice was created
- Taxes are now recalculated on a credit note when a province is added to a customer account after the credit note was created
- Changed the Windows end of life date to the date for the overall Windows version rather than the individual Windows revision
- Simplified database repair utility menus
- Ended support for Microsoft Office 2007
Version 22.11.000 (2022 November Release)
- Resolved TLS errors connecting to Microsoft mail servers
- Resolved error opening a SQL database with no password
- Resolved database backup notices appearing every minute in certain conditions
- Added support for MySQL Connector/ODBC 8.0.31 or greater on Windows
- Added prioritization of Unicode MySQL Connector/ODBC over ANSI
- Resolved error connecting to QuickBooks after QuickBooks 2021 R6 and 2022 R6 updates
- QuickBooks import options no longer requires selecting the QuickBooks country edition
- QuickBooks export options no longer requires selecting the QuickBooks country edition
- Added QuickBooks version details to About box
- Added cloud host name to About box
- Resolved error when importing very large numbers (i.e. greater than 1 followed by 308 zeros)
- Added support for importing text files with LF line breaks instead of CRLF line breaks
- Resolved error exporting vendors browse data when a column is filtered
- Resolved error entering tax rate in Setup taxes when regional numbers are formatted to use a comma for a decimal place
- Resolved error when reaching the end of an assigned number series
- Resolved error transferring inventory item when the item being transferred is open in a window
- Resolved error restoring a minimized stopwatch
- Resolved error sending keystroke macros that include tab characters
- Resolved some log messages including spurious encoding characters
- Non-printable characters are now automatically removed when entering or pasting plain text
- Resolved Euro symbol not appearing on credit note values on Customer Statement (Open Item) report
- Fixed registration of backup database icons
- Added detection of multiple different At Your Service versions installed
- Adjusted message window font size to scale based on the monitor size
- Renamed “AutoStart Process Manager on Bootup” option to “AutoStart Process Manager on Windows Login”
Version 22.10.001 (2022 October Release)
- Resolved error starting the Process Manager on computers with multiple monitors
- Resolved Process Manager SQL login warning being hidden behind the splash screen
Version 22.10.000 (2022 October Release)
- Resolved error when sending attachments with accented characters in the filename to Outlook
- Resolved emails not being sent to Outlook with certain MAPI profile configurations
- Testing Outlook MAPI mail settings now reports back the actual mail profile and email account used
- Improved speed of sending messages to Outlook
- Resolved error running keystroke macros that include parentheses
- Resolved business logo not printing on customer statement reports
- Resolved windows being displayed on the wrong monitor
- Resolved main program window not remembering the last size and position
- Automatically logging out a user now releases all record locks
- When choosing to overwrite an existing file, the existing file is now moved to the recycle bin first
- All text files now use UTF-8 encoding
- Updated for Windows 10 (22H2) and Windows 11 (22H2)
- Improved handling of database disconnection errors on French versions of Windows
Version 22.9.001 (2022 September Release)
- Resolved legacy keystroke macros not migrating to new folder
- Resolved saved keystroke macros not loading in the Record keystroke macros form
Version 22.9.000 (2022 September Release)
- Resolved error synchronizing the security cache when Windows users do not have correct permissions
- Resolved error saving keystroke macros when Windows users do not have correct permissions
- Resolved error when setting focus to a field after a validation warning
- Resolved error trying to Sign in with Google when no email address is entered
- Resolved emails not being sent to Outlook when multiple mail accounts are configured
- Resolved record locks not releasing after batch-editing repair orders
- Resolved long delay when clicking out of a business phone, home phone, or mobile phone field
- Non-administrator Windows users no longer require read/write permissions to the program installation folder
- Added ability to recover the master program administrator password by sending it to AYS Software support
- Added automatic recovery from a corrupted security cache
- Overhauled automatic Microsoft Access database backups
- Redesigned automatic database backups configuration form
- Hourly database backup files now have the file extension .aysdbb1
- Same-day database backup files now have the file extension .aysdbb2
- Previous-day database backup files now have the file extension .aysdbb3
- Daily automatic database backups now continue to run even if they are not configured properly
- Added popup notifications when automatic database backups complete successfully or fail
- Increased duration that popup notifications are displayed
- The keystroke macros file has been migrated to C:\ProgramData\At Your Service\Custom\Keystroke Macros
- User-entered filenames no longer allow reserved characters from non-Windows disk storage systems
- Limited browse column filter fields to 200 characters for most columns
- Enhanced framework for entering rich text (Entering rich text will be coming in a future release)
Version 22.7.001 (2022 July Release)
- Resolved error determining default mail account for an Outlook MAPI profile
- Added notification when Outlook MAPI interface is falsely blocked by anti-malware software
Version 22.7.000 (2022 July Release)
- Resolved error creating a new repair order in Retail editions
- Resolved error batch updating repair orders when at least one repair order had been exported to QuickBooks
- Resolved error sending automated repair order messages via Google mail
- Resolved automated repair order SMS messages not always adding the 1 prefix
- Resolved electronic signatures not printing correctly on forms
- Improved handling of database disconnection errors on French and Dutch versions of Windows
- Improved handling of Outlook MAPI errors
- Improved handling of Clickatell SMS errors
- Added automatic detection of duplicate records from database index corruption
- The Installer no longer prompts to reboot after self-healing missing or corrupted program files
- The database repair utility now identifies the correct database template version for database repairs
- The database repair utility now automatically repairs corrupted non-nullable indexes when there are null records
- The database repair utility now automatically repairs corrupted unique indexes when there are duplicate records
Version 22.6.000 (2022 June Release)
- Resolved error manually sending forms or reports via Google mail
- Added support for QuickBooks Pro and Premier 2022
- Added support for QuickBooks Enterprise V22
- Updated QuickBooks foundation classes to version 15
- Eliminated requirement to manually install QuickBooks foundation classes
- Updated 64-bit Microsoft Outlook message in About box
Version 22.5.000 (2022 May Release)
- Resolved problem faxing forms and reports by SMTP email
- Resolved pasting dates and times being grayed out for dropdown type fields
- Added support for 64-bit Microsoft Outlook
- Added support for Google OAuth 2.0 as a verified ‘Sign in with Google’ vendor for sending email
- Added support for TLS 1.0 through TLS 1.3 POP3 security protocols
- Added Customer Account Balances (Ledger) report
- Added repair order Storage Bin email merge field
- The configured Windows default web browser is now used for opening web pages
- Ended support for Gmail SMTP email (no longer supported by Google; replaced by ‘Sign in with Google’)
- Ended support for Clickatell SMS text messaging via SMTP (no longer supported by Clickatell; replaced by HTTP)
- Ended support for Microsoft Fax MAPI faxing (no longer supported by Microsoft)
- Ended support for RightFax MAPI faxing
- Ended support for ClickFax Internet fax service
- Ended support for jConnect Internet fax service (now eFax)
- Ended support for RapidFax Internet fax service (now eFax)
- Ended support for Send2Fax Internet fax service (now eFax)
- Ended support for Venali Internet fax service (now eFax)
- Ended support for Context Magic ClickYes utility
Version 22.4.001 (2022 April Release)
- Resolved email addresses with upper-case letters not being sent by SMTP email
Version 22.4.000 (2022 April Release)
- Resolved error exporting to Microsoft Excel
- Resolved 32-bit Microsoft Outlook sometimes being reported as 64-bit
- Added repair order reference fields 5 to 8 to the Repair Orders (Simplified) export
- Added repair order reference fields 5 to 8 to the Repair Invoices (Simplified) export
- Added framework for ordering parts from a repair order (Ordering parts from a repair order will be coming in a future release)
- Added framework for entering rich text (Entering rich text will be coming in a future release)
- Added framework for HTML emails (HTML emails will be coming in a future release)
- Note: support for MAPI-based faxing (e.g. legacy Microsoft Fax) will be ending in a coming release
Version 22.3.000 (2022 March Release)
- Changed Microsoft Outlook / Hotmail mail server from to
- Increased maximum number of record locks for Microsoft Access databases
Version 22.1.001 (2022 January Release)
- Resolved misreporting of version 2022 as 2021 for users without a 2022 license installed
Version 22.1.000 (2022 January Release)
- Added support for Windows 11
- Added support for Windows Server 2022
- Changed default location for AYS databases to C:\ProgramData\At Your Service\Databases\
- Added View Database Information on the File menu for the program administrator
- Added ability to open 32-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator from 64-bit Windows
- Added support for 64-bit Microsoft Excel
- Exporting data to Excel spreadsheet files no longer requires Microsoft Excel to be installed
- Exporting data to Excel spreadsheet files is notably faster
- Standard exports now default to .xlsx format
- Added support for 64-bit Microsoft Word
- Added Microsoft Word A4 letter template for countries other than USA and Canada
- Added Microsoft Word DL envelope template for countries other than USA and Canada
- Replaced SMTP email engine
- Added support for TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, and TLS 1.3 SMTP security protocols
- Improved SMTP error logging
- Removed warnings about improper installation
- Resolved spurious reports of database corruption
- Resolved license version end date year for new features not displaying correctly
- Resolved error after automatic logout is triggered
- Resolved icons on menus not displaying correctly when forms are maximized
- Resolved Setup scheduled exports in the AYS Process Manager not defaulting the file extension correctly
- Added automatic cleanup of legacy VirtualStore files
See also which new features were in At Your Service version 2021.